About Us
Persons with differently able constitute around 2.7 percent in India. It is presumed that still there is a huge gap in capturing these persons in the formal records and it is presumed to be more than 30% such people existing in the country.

These persons need special care and the nature of care is still inadequate. There is a huge capacity issues on the part of care givers, departments and practitioners which creates more challenges to the persons for availing basic care, therapy, certifications etc. The problem is more to the persons who are intellectually challenged. The children are mostly deprived of basic care and therapy on account of poor reach of facilities, lack of information, awareness and basic sensitization level amongst the stakeholders and the parents. The persons with intellectually challenged face many problems such as social inclusion, inadequate facilities of functional and developmental therapies, occupational therapies and specialized manpower in the societies. The existing departmental care needs a larger support from carious quarter to ensure the facilities till the last mile of the villages.

Taking cognizance of various hardships and ordeals faced by Dr Meeta Mukharjee, the mother of a special child, Piyali,, in ensuring a basic therapy, it was realized that there is a dire need of large scale sensitization and special educators who can understand the issues properly and deal with such children.. During the phase, Dr Meeta encountered many such parents who are looking for a proper guidance for dealing with their children. There was no special educators at that point of time in the state of Chhattsigarh..

With an aim of ensuring such facilities to the children of special need, Jagruk Parents Association is formed by a group of professionals and parents working for the transformation of children with special needs towards inclusion in every aspects of society. The three major pillars that were assumed of paramount importance to develop a solution are as follows

Beginning with these three pillars , the organization started delivering the functional and developmental therapy through a centre named " Piyali School of Mentally challenged for children". It also started Piyali Foundation college of Mental retardation, offering courses on special education.

Vision of the organization

Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor, nisi elit consequat ipsum, nec sagittis sem nibh id elit.

An inclusive society free from any discrimination where persons with differently able can live with dignity and respect for life.

Nullam ac urna eu felis dapibus condimentum sit amet a augue. Sed non neque elit. Sed ut imperdiet nisi. Proin condimentum fermentum nunc. Etiam pharetra, erat sed.

Mission of the Organization

Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor, nisi elit consequat ipsum, nec sagittis sem nibh id elit.

To equip the communities with all those skills required for addressing issues of social inclusion, functional and developmental therapies through extensive capacity building measures, establishing related service delivery

institutions and model interventions along with human resource development and taking up action studies and research towards the betterment of the persons with differently able.