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Will/Succession/Succession Planning
We often go through life thinking that we cannot be harmed by life changing events. Until the moment arises, we carry on thinking that death is something we wont face anytime soon. And when the moment does come, shock consumes over rational thinking and you and your family are caught in a fix. This is when succession planning comes into the picture. Succession planning is the process of anticipating and arranging for the disposal of an estate, belongings and assets of an individual. Succession planning involves will, trusts, beneficiary designations, powers of appointment, property ownership gifts and powers of attorney that would be awarded to a family after the demise of an individual.This is when succession planning comes into the picture. Succession planning is the process of anticipating and arranging for the disposal of an estate, belongings and assets of an individual. Succession planning involves will, trusts, beneficiary designations, powers of appointment, property ownership gifts and powers of attorney that would be awarded to a family after the demise of an individual.
Benefits of Succession Planning:
This plan helps to ensure that even after an individual is no longer around; his assets and resources are adequately utilized for his family or dear ones. Life does not end with death. And at ICI Advisors, we help you realize that it never too late.
Our Offerings
Property Search
Title is a legal term; it means the ownership right to property. When search is conducted unto the property of the person who owns it, it is called the Investigation of Title. The investigation is carried out broadly to ensure that the property is indeed in the name of the person selling, is free from liens, mortgages and encumbrances, that the property tax has been fully paid up to date and that the property is not engaged in any legal conflicts. The owner of the property/land has to prove this satisfactorily or else there is no chance at all that any buyer/creditor would take the risk & invest his funds. Generally buyer relies upon advocate's report on title. Advocate report on title is based on scrutiny of records available in various Government departments. Buyer is required to pay some fee in advance to advocate and sometimes it becomes essential to pay token money to the seller and also to middle man. So many times after spending money for these initial expenses it comes to the notice to the buyer that purchasing the particular land is not feasible and that all money spent by him is gone for a waste. It is therefore essential to have fair idea of the basic knowledge of the land before selecting it.